Code of Conduct

Our expectation within the Living Orthodox community is that we treat each other as icons of Christ and our outward actions should reflect this. Whether you are baptized Orthodox, chrismated, a catechumen, an inquirer, or you are simply curious about our group, we strive to show proper love and respect to all. In practice, we are dedicated to growing in the virtue of humility, a heart for service, and a life of repentance.

In a culture and country that constantly values the self and ego more than the other, we want to maintain a community that lives out the love of Jesus Christ to God and neighbor so that we can "bear one another's burdens”(Gal 6:2) on our path toward Christ. None of us have any control over our respective hierarchs and bishops of various jurisdictions. If you have a point of contention with another member's bishop or jurisdiction, think on these words from the Apostle Paul, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:27-28). We are a Pan-Orthodox group. And, as Christ unites us into one body through His Body and Blood, we also strive to keep Christ at the center of all that we do and say.

Regardless of religious or political background we know that every human being is a precious child of God and has been made in His image and likeness. Our common Faith surpasses our ethnic ties or individual church communities and unites us in our calling to be “a light of the world [...] a city set on a hill” (Matt. 5:14). We strive to live a life that co-works with God towards the transformation of the world through our behavior and actions. Remember, "where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20). We encourage you to make friends, visit the other beautiful churches all over the valley, and to grow deeper in our faith with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Violations to the Code of Conduct: We understand the value of repentance and change in a person. How many times in the Lives of the Saints is it drastically evident?! However, we need to highlight that there will be consequences for poor behavior.

● First Infraction: Verbal warning from the Living Orthodox Board or Events Committee

● Second Infraction: An email will be sent to the offender's parish priest. Once the priest discusses the infraction and gives his blessing, the offender is welcome to rejoin.

● Third Infraction: A three-month suspension from all Living Orthodox activities along with an email being sent to the Living Orthodox Spiritual Advisory Board (Fr. Apostolos Hill, Fr. Alexander Eliades, Fr. Jacob Saylor, and Fr. Jeffrey Frate) and the next steps being discerned by them.

Wherever you are in your faith journey, we are happy to have you with us.

God bless you,

The Living Orthodox Event Planning Committee (approved by the Spiritual Advisory Board)

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